The WaCT DCA is complex tool, and while we have tried to make it intuitive and easy to use, this page presents answers to some of the questions asked by users. If you have a question that is not covered below, use the technical support link on the DCA main menu page and we will respond as quickly as we can.

Why does my DCA report "run-time error:" when I try to use it

Why is the DCA showing a higher than 100% collection rate

Why am I seeing a negative value in one of the waste flows

I have an Apple Mac computer, can I use the DCA

Can I use the WaCT DCA on an Android tablet

My city does not have readily identifiable lower, middle, and higher income level areas - what should I do

What do I do if my city does not have a disposal facility

What do I do if my city has an Energy from Waste (EfW) facility (incinerator with energy recovery)

What do I do if my city is small and I can't identify 3 areas of a particular income level

My flow diagram / facsheet is not displaying nicely, what is the problem with it

When entering / viewing composition data I am seeing 'Average MSW' and there is no box for 'other', what is wrong

I have filled in the online form requesting the DCA but I am not receiving a link to download it, what can I do

I have created many records for inputs to materials recovery facilities, but I only see a small quantity of collected waste going to recovery (or a negative quantity), why is this

I have a very large quantity of materials showing as going from 'disposal' to 'recovery', why is this

I have a different question: Contact technical support.